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How can you provide an interface for a custom object type that gets instantiated using DFC methods such as getObject()?
A. extend IDfDocument
B. extend IDfSysObject
C. create a TBO with an interface for the custom object type
D. create an SBO with an interface for the custom object type

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 27
Which interface can be used when creating repository objects that have content?
A. IDfTypedObject
B. IDfDocument
C. IDfPersistentObject
D. IDfContentObject

Correct Answer: B
Which interface declares the save()method?
A. IDfSysObject
B. IDfTypedObject
C. IDfDocument
D. IDfPersistentObject

Correct Answer: D
A custom object type called my_loan_application is created with a custom repeating attribute called borrower_names. The data type of the attribute is String. Which interface declares a method to update borrower_names?
A. IDfTypedObject
B. IDfType
C. IDfValueAssistance
D. IDfCustomObject

Correct Answer: A
What is the correct hierarchy in the Documentum object model?
A. dm_folder inherits from dm_cabinet, which inherits from dm_sysobject.
B. dm_sysobject inherits from dm_document.
C. dm_document inherits from dm_folder, which inherits from dm_sysobject.
D. dm_category inherits from dm_folder, which inherits from dm_sysobject.
Correct Answer: D
Which statement is true about IDfClientX interface?
A. It provides methods to add a Connection Broker to the list of brokers known to DFC.
B. It provides methods to construct a session manager.
C. It provides factory methods for operations.
D. It provides methods to obtain an IDfTypedObject interface.
Correct Answer: C
Which is the correct DFC interface hierarchy?
A. IDfSysObject extends IDfPersistentObject which extends IDfTypedObject.
B. IDfSysObject extends IDfTypedObject which extends IDfPersistentObject.
C. IDfFolder extends IDfCabinet which extends IDfSysobject.
D. IDfPermit extends IDfACL which extends IDfSysobject.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 33
Which is a valid DFC package?
A. com.documentum.da.user
B. com.documentum.workflow
C. com.documentum.transaction
D. com.documentum.fc.lifecycle

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 34
Which statement about non-persistent types is true?
A. Non-persistent types can be referenced by r_object_id.
B. Custom object types can inherit from non-persistent types.
C. Non-persistent type attributes are stored in the repository.
D. Non-persistent type attributes cannot be queried using DQL.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 35
Which interface does the IDfCollection interface inherit from?
A. IDfTypedObject
B. IDfSysObject
C. IDfQuery
D. IDfDocument

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 36
When is a computed attribute calculated?
A. once, when a session is opened
B. each time the value is requested
C. when a persistent object is saved
D. when a persistent object is created

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 37
Which specific object type in the repository does the IDfTypedObject interface represent?
A. dm_dd_info
B. dmi_dd_type_info
C. dm_type
D. none

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 38
What entries do you need in the dmcl.ini for setting up dmcl tracing?
A. trace_file and trace_level
B. dmcl.trace.file and dmcl.trace.level
C. tracing.enabled and tracing.level
D. trace.file and trace.level

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 39
What does the dfc.config.timeout entry in dfc.properties indicate?
A. polling interval for changes in dfc.properties
B. sleep interval for the DFC cleanup thread
C. timeout for sessions in the DFC session pool
D. polling interval for changes in log4j.properties

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 40
DFC is NOT required to be installed on ____.
A. the Content Server
B. an Application Server hosting a WDK application
C. an end user’s computer using Webtop
D. an end user’s computer using Documentum Desktop

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 41
Where is connection pooling set?
A. dmcl.ini
B. server.ini
C. dfc.properties
D. dbor.properties

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 42
What are the minimum entries you need in the dfc.properties file to turn on tracing?
A. dfc.tracing.enabled=true dfc.tracing.file=<file_path>
B. dfc.tracing.enabled=true
C. dfc.tracing.enabled=true dfc.tracing.file=<file_path> dfc.tracing.level=<level>
D. dfc.tracing=true

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 43
Which entry is mandatory for the dfc.properties file?
A. dfc.data.dir
B. dfc.user.dir
C. dfc.checkout.dir
D. dfc.registry.mode

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 44
What do you need in dfc.properties to combine DFC and dmcl tracing?
A. trace_file=<file_path> trace_level=<level>
B. dfc.tracing.combineDMCL=true
C. dfc.tracing.DMCL=true
D. dmcl_trace_level=<level>

Correct Answer: B
During DFC installation, the “Primary Interop Assembly Installer checkbox” appears. What happens when this checkbox is checked?
A. The DFC installation program executes the Microsoft installer package for the DFCPIA.
B. The Microsoft installer package for the DFC PIA needs to be downloaded first, then theDFC installer will install the package for the DFC PIA.
C. The DFC installation program places the Microsoft installer package for the DFC PIA intothe setup subdirectory of the DFC program root directory.
D. The DFC installation program does not install any package, but creates aDocumentumuser account and configures the docbase to make use of the PIAfunctionality.

Correct Answer: C
How can a client application adopt changes in the dmcl.ini settings regarding connection pooling?
A. by restarting the client application, because open sessions cannot adoptconnectionpooling setting changes
B. by restarting the repository in order to refresh the persistent cache
C. by restarting the Connection Broker in order to reinitialize the session mapping and adoptthe connection pooling changes
D. by rebooting the Content Server, which will flush the server connections and reinitializethe global repository

Correct Answer: A
Which files are in the DFC config directory?
A. dfc.jar, dctm.jar, workflow.jar, dfcbase.jar
B. dfc.properties, log4j.properties, dfc.jar
C. dfc.properties, log4j.properties, dfcfull.properties
D. dfc.properties, log4j.properties, dfcfull.properties, dctm.properties

Correct Answer: C
An object type test_type extends dm_document, and has an attribute test_attr of type int. An object of type test_type exists in the repository with test_attr set to 1, and the object_id parameter in the following line of code points to that object.
IDfSysObject testObject = (IDfSysObject)session.getObject(object_id);
What happens as the result of calling testObject.getString(“test_attr”) ?
A. null
B. “1”
C. “”
D. an IDfException set to DM_DFC_E_TYPE_MISMATCH

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 49
Given that document is an instance of an IDfDocument object, and given the following statement: document.setObjectName(“test”); What will be the outcome?
A. The code does NOT compile.
B. At runtime, a NoSuchMethodException is thrown because setObjectName() is definedonIDfSysObject.
C. At runtime, a NoSuchMethodException is thrown because setObjectName() is defined onIDfPersistentObject.
D. The code runs successfully.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 50
Given the following code: Which statement is valid?
A. document.getPath()
B. document.getType()
C. document.getObjectId()
D. document.getObjectName()

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 51
Which statements are required to create a new document object and link it to the Temp cabinet?
A. IDfDocument newDoc = (IDfDocument)session.newObject(“dm_document”);newDoc.link(“/Temp”);newDoc.save();
B. IDfDocument newDoc = (IDfDocument)session.newObject(“dm_document”);newDoc.linkCabinet(“/Temp”);newDoc.save();
C. IDfDocument newDoc = (IDfDocument)session.newObject(“dm_document”);newDoc.link(session.getFolderByPath(“/Temp”)); newDoc.save();
D. IDfDocument newDoc = (IDfDocument)session.newObject(“dm_document”);newDoc.link(session.getIdByQualification(“dm_c abinet where folder(‘/Temp’)));newDoc.save();

Correct Answer: A
What does the IDfPersistentObject interface represent?
A. only objects stored in the repository
B. only objects NOT stored in the repository
C. only objects with content stored in the repository
D. only objects WITHOUT content stored in the repository

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 53
What does the following statement do while updating a repeating attribute “attr_name” that has only one valuein it (assuming valid objects and variables)?
obj.setRepeatingString(“attr_name”, 2, “test”);
A. updates attr_name with the value “test” at the third position
B. throws a runtime DfException
C. updates attr_name with the value “test” at the second position
D. appends attr_name with the value “test”

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 54
With an IDfSysObject representing a repository object named “MyDocument,” which statement is valid and returns the object name?
A. String value = object.getValue(“object_name”);
B. String value = (String)object.getValue(“object_name”);
C. String value = object.getValue(“object_name”).asString();
D. String value = object.getValue(“object_name”).toString();

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 55
attr_name is an attribute of type my_type, which is a subtype of dm_document. What do the following code statements do? (Assume you have valid variables and objects.)
A. update attr_name with “test”
B. throw a runtime DfException
C. update attr_name with NULL
D. NOT update attr_name

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 56
What does the following code do?
A. creates a new cabinet with the name specified by the variable “cabinetName”
B. gives a runtime DfException of no link path
C. gives a compilation error
D. gives a runtime Class Cast Exception

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 57
Which code statements would create a new folder (assuming valid objects and variables)?
A. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.newObject(“dm_folder”);folder.setFolderName( objectName );folder.link (filePath ) ;folder.save();
B. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.newObject(“dm_folder”);folder.save();
C. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.newObject(“dm_folder”);folder.setObjectName( objectName );folder.link(filePath ) ;
D. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.newObject(“dm_folder”);folder.setObjectName( objectName );folder.save();

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 58
Given that attr_name is a single-valued attribute of type int with NO value set and assuming valid variables and objects, what would the following code do?
A. throws a DfException
B. returns the default value for int
C. returns NULL
D. returns a string of length 0

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 59
What will the following method return when the object path contains multiple objects? Public IDfPersistentObject getObjectByPath(Sting objectPath)
A. all objects in the object path
B. always the first object in the object path
C. always the last object in the object path
D. an object in the object path that cannot be determined

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 60
Which is the valid method for retrieving the folder named “example1” located in the “dmadmin” cabinet, given that the “dmadmin” cabinet only contains one folder and that session is a valid IDfSession object?
A. IDfFolder folder = session.getFolderByPath(“example1”);
B. IDfFolder folder = session.getFolderByPath(“/dmadmin”);
C. IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.getObjectByPath(“/dmadmin”);
D. IDfFolder folder = session.getFolderByPath(“/dmadmin/example1”);

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 61
Given the following information about a document in the repository: If this is the only document in the cabinet shown, which statement will have the best performance when querying for the object?
A. IDfPersistentObject obj = session.getObject(clientX.getId(“094af3ce80000200”));
B. IDfId id = session.getIdByQualification(“where r_object_id=’094af3ce80000200′”);
C. IDfPersistentObject obj = session.getObjectByPath(“/Marketing/logo.jpg”);
D. IDfPersistentObject obj = session.getObjectByQualification(“where r_folder_path=’/Marketing’ and object_name=’logo.jpg'”);

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 62
Which version of a document, given a valid ID, is certain to be returned when the following method is called? IDfSession.getObject(IDfId objectId)
A. first version
B. last version
C. current version
D. specific version

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 63
In which interface is the following method declared? public IDfPersistentObject getObjectByQualification (String qualification)
A. IDfQuery
B. IDfSession
C. IDfSysObject
D. IDfPersistentObject

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 64
You want to retrieve one document from a specific cabinet ‘XYZ’ using the getObjectByQualification(String qualification) method. Which qualifier should you use?
A. dm_document WHERE FOLDER(‘/XYZ’)
B. dm_document WHERE r_folder_path = ‘/XYZ’
C. SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_document WHERE FOLDER(‘/XYZ’)
D. SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_document WHERE r_folder_path = ‘/XYZ’

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 65
Given the following steps: Which statement is true?
A. The object cannot be deleted in Step 3.
B. getObject method will always raise an exception.
C. getObject method may succeed since the object may be present in the client and/or servercache.
D. getObject method will return null.

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 66
What does the object retrieval method getObjectByQualification() do if the provided query returns no object?
A. throws a DfObjectNotFoundException
B. returns null.
C. returns an IDfCollection object containing no element
D. throws a DfResultContentException

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 67
You want to get an object, but there is more than one object that meets the qualification. What should you do?
A. iterate through the results of the getFolderByPath() method
B. use the getObjectByQualification() method with a qualifier that includes all of the objects
C. use a query and iterate through the resulting collection
D. use the getObjectPaths() and iterate through the resulting enumeration

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 68
Which statement is used to retrieve the current version of a dm_document object that has 2 versions, given its chronicle id chronicle_id?
A. getObject(chronicle_id)
B. getObjectByQualification(“dm_document (all) where r_object_id = ‘” + chronicle_id + “‘”)
C. getObjectByQualification(“dm_document where i_chronicle_id = ‘” + chronicle_id + “‘”)
D. getObjectByQualification(“select r_object_id from dm_document (all) wherei_chronicle_id = ‘” + chronicle_id + “‘”)

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 69
What is the result of executing the following code? (Assume that all variables and constants are valid.)
A. no records
B. all dm_document objects in the repository
C. current versions of all dm_document objects in the repository
D. An exception is thrown as no attributes have been specified in the select clause.

Correct Answer: C
Which method properly executes a query and returns the appropriate results. Assume you are developing a UI tree control in a web application to display a list of cabinets. The list of cabinets is generally static. Given the below code snippet: Which value for queryType should be used to achieve the maximum performance?

Correct Answer: C
Given the following code: How would you limit the search to the Temp cabinet?
A. Add IDfExpressionSet expSet = qBuilder.getRootExpressionSet();expSet.addSimpleAttrExpression(“object_name”, IDfValue.DF_STRING,IDfSimpleAttrExpression.SEARCH_OP_EQUAL, false, false, “Temp”);
B. Add qBuilder.setDQL(“Folder(‘/Temp’)”);
C. Add qBuilder.addLocationScope(“Repository”, “/Temp”, false);
D. This cannot be done in the IDfQueryManager.

Correct Answer: C
Assuming that repository “A” has 100 dm_document objects with the name “test” in the object_name, how many records would be returned when the code below is executed?
A. 0
B. 99
C. 100
D. 101

Correct Answer: A
How many objects will have their subject attribute updated when the following code is executed? (Assume that there are 25 objects having the string ‘test’ in their object_name.)
A. 19
B. 20
C. 24
D. 25
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 74
Which statement is true using fetch rather than a query to return attributes?
A. use fetch when you need to retrieve all attributes of an object
B. use fetch when you need to retrieve only specific attributes of an object
C. use query when attribute information is repeatedly needed in multiple places
D. use query when caching is necessary on the client side

Correct Answer: A
The IDfQuery interface provides ____.
A. status information about the execution of a query
B. a container for passing a query string directly to the search source
C. factory methods for a query and interfaces for persistent query management
D. functionality to set how often the query results need to be checked for consistency withthe server

Correct Answer: A
Which statement is true about query types?
A. DF_CACHE_QUERY is used for long query strings and stores results in a query cachefile.
B. DF_EXEC_QUERY is used for long query strings that will not affect any repository dataduring processing.
C. DF_QUERY can be used for any DQL Query and generally used for any query that willaffect the repository.
D. DF_EXECREAD_QUERY is used for long query strings that will affect any repositorydata during processing.

Correct Answer: C
What does the IDfCollection.getTypedObject() method return?
A. all rows in the collection as a single object for later use
B. a row in the collection for later use
C. a row in the collection that must be used before the collection is closed
D. an object of type IDfTypedObject that can be cast to an IDfPersistentObject

Correct Answer: B
Given the following: where queryString = “select object_name from dm_document” Which method properly executes a query and returns the appropriate results?
A. public static IDfCollection execQuery(String queryString, IDfSession session) throwsDfException{…
B. setDQL(queryString);col = q.execute(session);…return col;}
C. public static IDfCollection execQuery(String queryString, IDfSession session) throwsDfException{…
D. setDQL(queryString);col = q.execute(session,0);…return col;}
E. public static IDfDocument execQuery(String queryString, IDfSession session) throwsDfException{…
F. setDQL(queryString);objectName = q.execute(session);…return objectName;}
G. public static IDfDocument execQuery(String queryString, IDfSession session) throwsDfException{…
H. setDQL(queryString);objectName = q.execute(session,0);…return objectName;}

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 79
Which statement is NOT true about IDfOperationMonitor?
A. It allows applications to be notified about when an error occurs.
B. It allows applications to receive progress about the percentage complete for the wholeoperation.
C. It allows applications to be notified and respond with an answer when an error occurs.
D. It allows applications to receive progress about the bytes transferred during a contentupload or download.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 80
Which interface provides the factory methods for creating DFC operations such as IDfImportOperation and IDfExportOperation?
A. IDfClientX
B. IDfSysObject
C. IDfSession
D. IDfSessionMgr

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 81
What happens when the abort() method is executed in the following manner? (Assume the operation is populated.)
A. This code will cause an error as the operation has already been executeD.
B. Abort can only be called from within an IDfOperationMonitor object.
C. The underlying database transaction will be rolled back.
D. The operation will attempt to undo what it did during the execution.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 82
Given the following statement for creating a IDfCheckinNode object: IDfCheckinNode node = (IDfCheckinNode)checkin.add( doc); Which statement should immediately follow?
A. if ( node == null ) { /* handle errors */ }
B. node.setFilePath( strFileName );
C. checkin.execute();
D. node.setVersionLabels(“DRAFT”);

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 83
You are using the IDfMoveOperation to move a document that is currently checked out. What is the behavior of DFC?
A. It moves the document and the lock is still present on the document.
B. IDfMoveOperation.execute() method returns false and the document location isunchangeD.
C. IDfMoveOperation.add() method throws a DfException since checked-out objects cannotbe added to a move operation.
D. It reports an error (IDfOperationError.OBJECT_CHECKED_OUT) using the operationmonitor and gives the option to still move the document.

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 84
Given the following code (Assume the variables are valid.):
What is the required statement to include, in order for the code to execute successfully?

A. node.setDestinationFolderId(destnId);
B. op.setSession(session);
C. op.setOperationMonitor(myOpMonitor);
D. node.setDocbaseObjectType(“dm_document”);

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 85
Which code pattern is used to handle errors after execution of an operation?
A. IDfOperationMonitor myOpMonitor = …;operation.setOperationMonitor(myOpMonitor);if (! operation.execute()){// handle errors using myOpMonitor}
B. if (! operation.execute()){…operation.reportError(…);…}
C. if (! operation.execute()){…operation.logError(…);…}
D. if (! operation.execute()){…operation.getErrors();…}

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 86
You have a handle to an IDfVirtualDocument using the followng code: Which steps are the recommended way to only add the root node of a virtual document to the operation (i.e. in the call operaton.add(…) )?
A. 1. Execute the statement: operation.add(vDoc);2. Do nothing since DFC always adds the virtual document root only. If children are neededas well, they must be explicitly added by traversing the virtual document.
B. 1. Execute the statement: operation.add(vDoc);2. Remove the child nodes explictly from the root node (node.removeChildren()) since DFCadded them automatically.
C. 1. Execute the statement: operation.add(sysObject);2. Do nothing since there is no difference between adding a regular sys object and just thevirtual document root.
D. 1. Remove the child nodes from vDoc in memory (i.e. not saving to repository) and thencall2. Execute the statement: operation.add(vDoc);

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 87
What happens when the following code for deleting a document is executed?
A. All versions of the document will be deleted.
B. Only the specific version associated with the document in question will be deleted.
C. Only the specific version associated with the document in question and all prior versionswill be deleted.
D. The document will not be deleted since the version deletion policy has not beenexplicitlyset using the op.setVersionDeletionPolicy() call.

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 88
The transform operation in the com.documentum.operations package allows you to transform _____.
A. any kind of content from one format to another and the transformed content is onlyavailable locally
B. any kind of content from one format to another and the transformed content is onlyavailable as a rendition in the repository
C. any kind of content to PDF and the transformed content is available locally or as a PDFrendition in the repository
D. only XML content using XSLT and the transformed content is available locally or in therepository

Correct Answer: D
What is the default behavior when you add a directory from the file system to an import operation?
A. The directory will be imported by itself.
B. The directory and all documents it contains will be importeD.
C. The directory and all files and subdirectories will be importeD.
D. It will result in an error.

Correct Answer: C
Which statement about Operations is true?
A. Operations can be used to Cancel Checkout.
B. Operations can be used to Add Rendition.
C. Operations can be used to Promote.
D. Operations can be used to Assign Workflow.

Correct Answer: A
The IDfValidationOperation interface is used to validate _____.
A. that objects conform to the data dictionary rules
B. that objects are not corrupt in the repository
C. any office documents, making sure that all their OLE links are valid
D. that XML documents are well formed and conform to a DTD or schema
Correct Answer: D
What does the IDfSysObject.checkout() method do?
A. only places a lock on an object from the repository
B. places a lock on an object from the repository and downloads the content
C. places a database row level lock on the rows representing the object
D. places a lock on an object from the repository and sets its r_lock_machine attribute
Correct Answer: D
When is it appropriate to use IDfSysObject.getFile(String fileName) ?
A. to get a file from the file system for an object
B. to get the file to a specific location on the client machine with the default format
C. to get a file and manipulate it in memory
D. to get a specific page of the object and download it to the default location on the clientmachine with the

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